2004 09 – Egypt – Day 9

September 17th, 2004

September 17th, 2004

Wake up call this morning at 3:00 a.m. and coffee or tea was served by 3:15. With our entire luggage packed we're on the bus by 3:30 a.m. in order to be at our meeting point to Abu Simbel in a Convoy. The tourist police make it mandatory for groups such as ours to travel in convoys to certain destinations for our safety. 300 Kilometers to Abu and the trip was done in about 2 and half hours. The posted speed limit is 100 km per hour but we were going much faster. Desert on both sides of the highway just about all the way up. Many of us ended up getting a little sleep before arriving around 7:30 a.m.

Lake Nassua

Lake Nassua

Our first view once we are off the bus. Lake Nassau was created from the construction of the High Dam.

Abu Simbel

Abu Simbel

First view of Abu Simbel. The entire temple was moved recently to accommodate the building of the High Dam.

Abu Simbel

Abu Simbel

The construction of the dam would of submerged the temple underwater. It was moved and reconstructed up higher. To move all of this 50 years ago took a lot of careful planning.

Abu Simbel

Abu Simbel

Many people around the temple this morning making it crowded inside. No pictures were allowed inside the temple. Most of the destruction seen has probably happened from earthquakes over the many years since these temples were built. The entrance leads to the inner chambers.

Abu Simbel

Abu Simbel

Again, I'm amazed at the incredible detail in the carvings.

Abu Simbel

Abu Simbel

Some other temples near the statues

Abu Simbel

Abu Simbel

All the temples are not too far apart.

Bus ride back to Aswan from Abu Simbel

Bus ride back to Aswan from Abu Simbel

We had a guide for the tour of Abu Simbel and by the time his tour of the temples was done we never had a lot of time to be on our own. Back on the bus by 9:10 a.m. in order to be in line for the convoy back to Aswan, cost of admission was 30 pounds and was included in the tour price.

This tour was to cost us an extra $35.00 U.S. but was paid for by the tour group Explore instead. We were meant to stay on the River boat for 7 nights instead of the 4 that we actually did. A bit of compensation that Explorer gave us for the last minute schedule change. The next 3 nights will be in Hotels with all the meals paid for as if we were on the Doma. This trip was over booked by the tour company and the time up on the boat needed to be split to accommodate another group.



Back in Aswan around 1:00 p.m. in time for lunch after checking in to our rooms at the Kalabasha Hotel. Free afternoon to sit around the pool before it was time for high tea at a near by hotel called the Old Cataract. According to most of my English companions this was a must do.



Aswan is a much quieter and cleaner area than Luxor or Cairo but it is a little more expensive.



High tea is an additional cost of 55 pounds or $11.00 Canadian. My friends from the UK assured me it will be worth it.



We had excellent service with so many serving us.



The rooms at the Cataract run close to $300.00 U.S. a night and we had great seats sitting on the balcony over looking some of the Nile. We also had a great view of the sunset as we sipped our tea and had a few pastries.



Another sunset along the Nile in Egypt.



After the high tea it was a lengthy walk down the corniche along the Nile to the Moon restaurant. The eatery is an old boat permanently docked converted to a nice quiet restaurant. It took awhile for the meal to be served but most of us didn’t mind, it gave us some time to talk over our day adventure and to get to know each other just a little bit better. Most of us decided to make the long walk back to our hotels since it was another beautiful night. There was hardly anyone along the way bothering us to buy something making it all the more enjoyable.